Monday, December 16, 2019

Stress free... kind of life.

Just 13 days until HI-FIVE and SOLO grace the stage at Rhythms Live Music Hall and we can't be more excited.  But, at the same time,  we have to deal with the,  significantly slower pace of  the average customer purchase.
In the northeast,  everything is is cranked up.   Particularly in places like New York City, where the city, literally,  never sleeps.  You can find a slice of pizza or a hot entertainment spot anytime of the day or night.  In Durham county, everything seems to shut down after 2 am.
While New York customers run to get their event tickets as soon as possible,  in Durham,  it seems like they spread the word about upcoming events, but ticket purchases are held up until the last minute.

Of course, none of this holds true,  if there is a super star performing and seats are reserved.  We have to find that stress free headspace, in order to stay proficient.
Stress Hampers Performance.

When your stress levels are high, you have a tendency to perform lower than your usual efficiency level in your behaviour. This hampers productivity too.
Maybe we need to see the wifey?  When people in love, stare into each other's eyes, their heart &soul sync and become one.

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