Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Event Marketing & Advertising Consult

Gospel/ R&B concert productions conpany out of Dover, DE, presenting events that bring spiritual enlightenment and musical joy.

Lunch break at Pizza Chop Bartow Mall Bronx NY


Our flier Street Team took a break from distribution of RJW PRODUCTIONS Valentine's Day Weekend Night of Classic Soul concert Fliers.  The show is happening in the Dreiser Community Center Auditorium Co-op City Bronx NY  10475 on Saturday February 11, 2023.

It doesn't have to be yours. But if you accept it as yours, make sure you give it your all. ☝πŸΏπŸ’―πŸ’₯

Afternoon lunch break at Pizza Chop Bartow Mall Bronx NY Co-op City Community delicious custom all veggies slice and blueberry ice tea πŸ˜‹

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Blessed to be Minding Petawane's Own Business

Heart & Soul Concerts leadership grew up in Harlem New York City.   They love returning back home to see old friends and new overall community upgrades.

It was Thanksgiving Eve 2002 when   were of our leaders had a special interaction with a king in the concert series industry.

We were blessed for the gift of minding Petawane's own business, and it felt real good. ☝🏿✌πŸΏπŸ˜‡ #heartsoulconcerts

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

RJW PRODUCTIONS Valentine's Day Weekend Night of Classic Soul

Heart & Soul Concerts One-Off Consultant Agreement 

Join RJW PRODUCTIONS Valentne's Day weekend Night of Classic Soul  

Relive the magical sounds of yester-year. When 70's Classic Soul touched deep inside our spirits. Music that soothed us in good times and walked us through the hard times.  

There's no other music today that reverberates with the same power as Classic Soul. On this show, amazing artists hope to take us back, if just for a little while, to those magical moments where true love lived. 

We're excited to experience Greg Hill Delfonics at VALENTINE'S DAY WEEKEND NIGHT OF CLASSIC SOUL at Dreiser Center Co-op City Boogie Down Bronx 😁🎼🎀☝🏿

You only get to be 64 years old once

You only get to be 64 years old once we had to show up and show our respect and love to Big Bro Chris. #64th #birthday #bigBroChris #once #special #leakefamilylove #gift