Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Introducing Heart & Soul Concerts Apparel

Goggle Maps Milestone 2021 Success

3,000,000 😁
Hi Heart & Soul,
3,000,000 views! You’re a top photographer on Google Maps
You’ve just accomplished what very few people have done: reached 3,000,000 photo views! Keep it up!

Mother's Day May 10th 2021 Pandemic Edition

  As the days got closer to Mother's Day May 10th 2021,  You could see the energy in the air.  And on social media,  in the United States, people noticed that the tide was turning,  in a positive directions, in the fight against covid-19.   President Biden's Vaccines distribution plan is in high gear. And with estimated dosages in American Citizen's arms exceeding the President's original numbers, the regulations on social interactions, and social distancing, restaurants,  and other facilities were cautiously reduced.

People are, cautiously, happy and thrilled for the opportunities to get together with immediate family and fully Vaccinated friends, in an controlled, unmasked, environments. 😁🥰

The viral trend is the excitement of daughters, sons, and grandchildren finally having the opportunity to get together with grandparents, after an more than an entire year,  give them a hug.

2021 welcomes in the birth of an amazing new normal developing in the United States, and Heart & Soul Concerts is dedicated to our plans to return to the concert productions arena, bigger and better than ever before.

This customized message shared with family, friends,  and associates.

Musgrove family magic.

Heart & Soul Concerts's graphics designer shows off his premium tee-shirt designs

These beautiful black moms/ mother and daughter team and supporters of our Heart & Soul Concerts Productions, shared this photo of them wearing our custom branded BLACK MOMS MATTER TEE-SHIRTS merchandise on Mother's day.

We welcome your suggestions and ideas for our next event in your marketplace.  Feel free to connect with us on all major social media networks using our account profile ID. Heartsoulprod