Thursday, September 19, 2019

What's in a brand? Everything

What's in a brand? Everything.

Corporate branding refers to the practice of promoting the brand name of a corporate entity, as opposed to specific products or services.

The activities and thinking that go into corporate branding are different from product and service branding because the scope of a corporate brand is typically much broader.

Confidence and Diligence a Must

One of the most important things to consider when you are in the midst of any business is that you have to maintain a strong level of confidence and diligence.

Confidence in the fact that you have done the proper research and have at good event on hand.

Diligence that your are doing all things according to your well laid out plan of action, and you will pursue that plan without falter.

Combine all the ingredients above and you will be unstoppable in the concert Productions game.

Give Up or Hold On the Promoter's Delima

There is a situation that just about every promoter has gone through, at least once in their lifetime.    It's that moment when you are faced with the question of whether you give up, or hold on. What does this mean?

Let us try to explain it.  There are a lot of actions that a promoter has to take, when it comes to producing an event. Everything from putting together creative event concepts, that they believe are going to work. 

Then there's performer and venue acquisition, contract negotiation, graphic design, radio, tv, and social media advertising, equipment resourcing,  hotel booking, ground transportation, equipment load-in and setup, to sound check, and stage design.  

Let's not forget Green room and dressing room hospitality riders, that must also be satisfied.  The key to not going completely insane is organization and scheduling.  Plus a dedicated, self-thinking, Production team to support you.  While all of these things can be done by a single individual, life as a promoter is far easier, with the latter things in place. 

Image result for hospitality riders  Image result for dressing room hospitality riders

Monday, September 2, 2019


Saturday August 31, 2019, Hi-Five finishes their performance at a tour date in Miami, FL. The buzz was trending on social media that they did an amazing performance. After the show, they produced live video promoting our Heart & Soul Concerts 90s Supergroups event starring themselves and Solo. Hi-Five, Treston Irby, mentioned that they planned to do a video, but didn't specify a time. When Heart & Soul saw the video trending on popular social media platforms, we were surprise. We extend a shoutout to Hi-Five for going above and beyond their contractual obligations. They displayed such professionalism and support for #90sSupergroups #HiFive #Solo concert, Friday Sept 13, 2019 at Rhythms Live Music Hall 2020 Chapel Hill RD. Suite 33 Durham, NC 27707.